Author Guidelines
The title is written in English or Indonesian and informative, concise, and not too long or short (15-20 words) with Arial, size 12 pt Bold, 1 spacing. Consists of the variables under study and describes the content of the manuscript. The title page should include the title of the manuscript only. The names of authors should be deleted to ensure the double-blinding of the paper during the peer review process.
The abstract contains a brief description of the problem of partners and the objectives of community service, the methods used, and more emphasis on the results obtained. Abstract written in English and Indonesian, a minimum of 150 and a maximum of 300 words. Abstracts are written single-spaced with narrower left and right margins than the main text in one paragraph. The first line is not indented, but keywords are italicized directly below the paragraph and indented. In English, abstracts are written in the past tense, except for conclusions or recommendations. Write down the abbreviation or acronym. Include 3-5 key words which can be single words or phrases, which describe the problem or content. The keywords are connected by a semicolon (;) and do not end with a period.
The introductory section mainly contains: (1) situation analysis; (2) partner issues; (3) solutions offered; and (4) external targets.
The situation analysis depends on the target community. The analysis can be in the form of a description of all the problems faced by the partner community from the social, cultural, religious, health, service quality or community life aspects. It can also be in the form of potential and business opportunities of partner communities from the aspect of resources, production and business management. By referring to the situation analysis, determine priority issues for partner communities that are specific, concrete, and really are priority issues for partner communities.
Describe the science and technology/goods/services offered to solve partner problems and work procedures to support the realization of the solutions offered. Describe activities that show the steps for solving the problem and describe how partners participate in implementing activities.
Describe the types of outputs produced in accordance with the plan in terms of production, management, or other outputs in the form of products/goods, services and other outputs.
The template for this article format is made in MS Word, the body of the text uses the font: Times New Roman 12, regular, spaced 1. The length of the introduction is about 1-2 pages. This introductory writing without subtitles.
Basically, this section describes the implementation and methods of community service. The description of the implementation of the activity includes the location, time, background of the participants, and the number of participants. Meanwhile, the description of the activity method includes the methods and materials presented. Choose one or combine several activity methods, including: (1) training/training related to goods and services, diffusion of science and technology, substitution of science and technology (renewable science and technology), or simulation of science and technology; (2) continuing education; (3) awareness/improvement of understanding of a problem; and (4) consultation/assistance/mediation. It's best to avoid organizing writing into “sub-headings” in this section.
This section is the main part of the community service article and is usually the longest part of an article. The results of community service presented in this section are “clean” results. The data analysis process does not need to be presented. Tables and graphs can be used to clarify the presentation of the results of community service. Tables and graphs should be commented on or discussed.
The discussion in the article aims to: (1) show how the implementation or solutions offered to overcome partner problems; (2) showing how the output of the implementation or solution is an indicator of the success of the program; and (3) explain the factors that encourage or hinder the implementation of the program.
In this section of the discussion, more emphasis is placed on the description of program outputs which can be in the form of products/goods or services produced by partners as indicators of program success. In answering partner problems, the results of community service must be measurable (can be done through questionnaires, pre-test and post-test, observations of the products produced, partner responses, and so on).
The conclusion presents a summary of the results and discussion, referring to the problems of partners. Based on these two things, describe the supporting and inhibiting factors of the activity. Suggestions are prepared based on an analysis of strengths and weaknesses or things that have and have not been achieved from activities and activities
The bibliography is a list of written works that the author reads in preparing the article and then uses it as a reference for writing the article. In scientific articles, bibliography must exist as a complement to references and reference sources. Writing a bibliography using the APA (American Psychological Association) Style 6th Edition format and it is recommended to use Reference Tools such as Mendeley, Zotero or Endnote. An example of a bibliography is as follows:
Lestari, I. (2015). Pengaruh Waktu Belajar dan Minat Belajar terhadap Hasil Belajar Matematika. Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA, 3(2), 115–125.
Liberna, H. (2012). Peningkatan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematis Siswa Melalui Penggunaan Metode Improve pada Materi Sistem Persamaan Linear Dua Variabel. Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA, 2(23), 190–197.
Panjaitan, B. (2013). Proses Kognitif Siswa dalam Pemecahan Masalah Matematika. Jurnal Ilmu Pendidikan, 19(1), 17–25.
Siagian, R. E. F. (2015). Pengaruh Minat dan Kebiasaan Belajar Siswa terhadap Prestasi Belajar Matematika. Formatif: Jurnal Ilmiah Pendidikan MIPA, 2(2), 122–131.
Sutrisno, S., & Wulandari, D. (2018). Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) untuk Memperkaya Hasil Penelitian Pendidikan. AKSIOMA: Jurnal Matematika Dan Pendidikan Matematika, 9(1), 37–53.
Sutrisno, S., Zuliyawati, N., & Setyawati, R. D. (2020). Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Problem-Based Learning dan Think Pair Share Berbantuan Geogebra Terhadap Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis. Journal of Medives : Journal of Mathematics Education IKIP Veteran Semarang, 4(1), 1–9.
Ulya, H. (2016). Pembelajaran Matematika Berbasis Etnomatematika untuk Membangun Karakter Cinta Tanah Air dan Kreativitas Belajar Matematika. Prosiding Seminar Nasional: Menumbuhkan Lembali Pesona Budaya Bangsa Dalam Perspektif Psikologi.