The Role of Family in Stroke Patients in The Community: A Narrative Review


  • Israfil Israfil Department of Community Health Nursing, Faculty of Health, Institute of Technology and Health Bali, Denpasar, Indonesia



Family Role, Stroke, Ischemic Stroke, Non-Hemorrhagic Stroke, SNH


Stroke has become one of the leading causes of death and disability in society, and stroke survivors are very likely to have recurrent strokes. The family is the main support system that greatly influences the success rate of treatment and care for stroke patients in the community. The purpose of this study was to determine and review the role of the family towards stroke patients in the community. This study was conducted with a narrative review design. Literature searches were conducted on national databases, namely Garuda, and international databases, namely PubMed, ProQuest, and EBSCOhost. Article searches in national databases used the words "peran keluarga" and "stroke", and in international databases used the keywords "family role" and "stroke". Article selection was carried out non-systematically with the inclusion criteria for articles being PEOS, namely Population: stroke patients in Indonesia, Exposure: family role, Outcome: patient health status, Study Design: cross-sectional. A total of 88 articles were found and 10 articles met the inclusion criteria. The results of this study found that the role of the family includes preventing recurrent stroke attacks, motivating patients to meet their needs in treatment and care programs, and training stroke patients to be independent in fulfilling daily living activities. The conclusion is that the role of the family in stroke patients includes prevention of recurrence, motivation for treatment, and training independence. Family-centered nursing interventions through health education and good therapeutic communication will be able to increase active family participation in the process of caring for stroke patients in the community.


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How to Cite

Israfil, . I. (2024). The Role of Family in Stroke Patients in The Community: A Narrative Review. Ahmar Metastasis Health Journal, 4(3), 154–159.