
Journal of Indonesian Nursing Science (JoINS) is a peer-reviewed and open-access scientific nursing journal. This journal publishes various research results both in the form of original research, reviews, and case reports in various fields of nursing science, namely medical surgical nursing, pediatric nursing, maternity nursing, psychiatric nursing, community and family nursing, gerontic nursing, emergency nursing, critical nursing, and nursing management.

The Journal of Indonesian Nursing Science (JoINS) is published by the Ahmad Mansyur Nasirah Foundation with the registration number p-ISSN: XXXX-XXXX, e-ISSN:XXXX-XXXX and was published for the first time on August 2023

The Journal of Indonesian Nursing Science (JoINS) is published 3 times a year, namely  August, December and April. All submitted manuscripts will go through a double-blind review process.